Manage your Patient Reported Outcome Measures with ease
What is Pathpoint Outcomes?
Pathpoint Outcomes is a fully compliant digital solution that lets you easily collect, track, manage, and submit Patient Reported Outcome Measures (PROMs). With Pathpoint Outcomes, you can easily showcase your high-quality care, tailor your services to patients’ needs, and make the shift towards value-based care.
How will it benefit you?
Boost efficiency with automation
Better governance with real-time analysis
Improved experience for patients and clinicians
Data-driven service planning and research
Remote monitoring of waiting lists and chronic disease patients
Quick response with safety net workflows
User-friendly questionnaires
Sustainability through a paperless approach
National registry and database
Optimised workforce with reduced non-clinical tasks
Long-term visibility of patient scores
Automated risk stratification
Personalised patient journey and interventions
Smooth interdepartmental flagging
Proven success
compliance with NHSE and PHIN
digital PROMS across 15 sub -specialities and >50 pathways
PROMs pathways processed in 3 months
patient response rate
of staff prefer Outcomes over the previous system
complaints compared to 7 a day previously
How does it work?
Automatic dispatch
Questionnaires are automatically deployed based on the coded procedure, with automatic reminders sent to patients to complete the questionnaire
Responsive design
Questionnaires are fully responsive, allowing completion on multiple devices and browsers. They can be sent directly to patients or completed in the clinic via a unique patient portal. Pathpoint also provides direct patient communication tools for information and guidance
Granular data
Gain key data-driven clinical insights in real-time with nationally-mandated regulatory compliance for enhanced reporting, service improvements, research, and benchmarking
Patient-centred care
- Capturing key quality metrics & KPIs
- Improved collaboration and communication between providers, clinicians, and regulators
- Early detection of disease
- Public education and engagement
- Health inequalities interventions
- Efficient, accessible, and equitable care
- Patient-level PROMs and PREMs
- Population health planning
- Data generation, integration, and analysis
- Collaborative research projects
Value for everyone
High response rates
Compliance with submission to PROMs registries (e.g. NHS England, PHIN)
Automation of PROMs collection, freeing staff up for other duties
Embedded patient information (including leaflets and videos) for shared decision making
Regular touchpoints - monitoring on waiting lists
Digital lead
Comprehensive visibility of PROMs scores on a patient-by-patient basis
PROMs scores and responses integrated into the main patient record
Timely interventions and decision trees based on patient answers with the ability to flag to other teams
Clinical teams
Digital approach
Net-zero approach
Aids in information governance, data protection and internal communication
IG compliant